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Angel Basics

Here in Aetherus you are able to make angel characters, with new types of angels being released at random times.

While you can make as many angel characters as you want, we encourage that one tries to limit themselves since the population for Sorva Angels is small. Other types of angels can be man without really a limit as they are not in such poor numbers.

Character Creation

Sovra angels that are freely made have a limit of 3 traits that can be used, and traits may be stacked to create a very unique look for your angel.


Adult angel wings will have a unique pattern on their wings, and head feathers and neck mane can be stylized how ever you see fit!


Size wise, Sovra angels have a large range of sizes and body types, feel free to play around with them!

Character Notes

  • Trading Characters is under work right now, so check in with the founder for trading.

  • Angels can exist outside of Aetherus in other worlds since while a magical species angels are set in a sci-fi like setting. [Magical sci-fi if that somehow makes sense.]

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